Dog Park Closed due to Flooding

Winnebago County Parks & Expo Center
Winnebago County Community Park Roadway/Path Project
Winnebago County Community Park Roadway/Path Project
The map below is the concept design for the project being designed by Rettler Corporation. After a few more tweaks, ground breaking will occur some time in April, weather permiting. The 40 year old roadway will be replaced with a two way design and an all access path will connect the primary function areas of the park.
During construction the park will remain open and updates on access will be available from K104.3 & 92.9 as well as on our web site, Facebook page, and in the monthly Scene newspaper.
When traveling within the park during the construction phase please make sure to be alert to temporary traffic signs and cones. Every effort will be made to allow through traffic to all areas of the park.
Here at the Parks Department we’re very excited about the new road and path! We realize that there will be some discomfort while the work is progressing but the end result will be well worth it!
What does *2014 CONSTRUCTION* mean for the dog park?
It means we could get enough dirt to help rid us of water problems in the back half! It will help with some challenges to the dog park. We will need to be closing off the prairie end of the park from the memorial area to the Butler Ave fence.
We will have short notice, due to weather, as to when the fencing to be put in place; with more exact details to the type of fencing to come. YOUR help may be needed in setting up the fence.
Every effort is being made to keep the dog park open and secure for our pets.
During this time some of the large dead or dying trees could be removed.
As an added benefit, we have an opportunity to landscape within reason. Anyone a landscape architect? Landscaper? We could use your assistance in putting the back ½ of the dog park together.
Do we know how long the section of the dog park will be closed? No.
BE AWARE there will be Large Highway Equipment throughout the park and inside the closed section of the dog park during this process.
Th you for your understanding as we work through this change. ~ Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc
920.267.7801 or