Miss the last board meeting?
Stop out at Best Friends Dog Park on the following dates from 10am – 2 pm:
June 4th (rain date, June 5th)
July 16th (rain date, July 17th)
August 13th (rain date, August 14th)
Some of the board members will be there to introduce themselves, answer questions and update you on any upcoming events. They will also have logod apparel for donation as well as a donation jar.
Stop by and say HI!
2016 Doggie Paddle Dates have been added

Annual Meeting Update
The Annual Meeting was Saturday, May 14th at 9am. Highlights from the meeting:
- The Board welcomed Gwen Grosskopf to the Board as Secretary
- Set dates for monthly meetings through Oct, taking a break for the holidays and will start again in Jan
- Announced the Doggie Paddle dates
- Rec’d update from Winnebago County Parks Dept
- Rec’d update from Winnebago Pet Expo
- Asked for support for Committees
The next meeting date will be posted as soon as the location is confirmed
FWCDP Welcome New Board Member
Please help us welcome our newest FWCDP Board Member, Gwen Grosskopf!
Gwen is a long time Best Friends Dog Park user and supporter of the Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc. Next time you see Gwen around the park with her Newfies (Newfoundlands dogs), stop and say hello!
If you’d like to become more involved, FWCDP is looking for another Board member as well as Committee Chairs and active members. Please contact Michelle to learn more! Best Friends Dog Park is a community dog park and we are an all-volunteers organization. Your help is needed and appreciated!
Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks Annual Meeting May 14th 9am
Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc Annual Meeting will in include updates on the additional dog park, the current dog park, fundraisers, ect. Come support your dog park!
JP Coughlin Building- Room B
May 14th from 9a-1030a
Meeting open to everyone!
We looking for people to work on Committees. This is a good time and place to learn more!
This is your opportunity to make a difference at the dog park. Come support your dog park!
FWCDP – New Board Meeting
It has been a GOOD Friday, the new Board of Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc (FWCDP) met today to plan for 2016. The board officially accepted the resignation of Vivienne Stienke and welcomed Sandra Binder. President Mike Linder is excited to get the dog park group moving forward. Sandy, owner of Somethin Read More
It has been a GOOD Friday, the new Board of Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc (FWCDP) met today to plan for 2016. The board officially accepted the resignation of Vivienne Stienke and welcomed Sandra Binder. President Mike Linder is excited to get the dog park group moving forward. Sandy, owner of Somethin to Howl About, joined the group and brings a pet friendly business perspective. Michelle Kennedy has rejoined the board to bring continuity of old to new to the board. Kennedy is the prior President of FWCDP. Expect to see this website refreshed and more frequent postings.
Watch for a date for the annual FWCDP meeting and dates for the popular dog swims!!
If you would like to become more involved the board is looking for another board member as well as committee chairs and members, please email us: michelle@fwcdp.org This is a community dog parks and we are all volunteers, your help is needed and appreciated!
Winnebago Pet Expo – Looking for Volunteers
Winnebago Pet Expo is scheduled for October 1st! We are building our volunteer list and need your help!!
We are looking for motivated individuals to help the day of the show, as well as planning and pre-show requirements.
If you are interested, please send an email to director@winnebagopetexpo.org with your phone number, availability and interest.

Photos – Calling for Best Friends Dog Park Photos
We are on the hunt for photos of your dog(s) at Best Friends Dog Park! We are updating the facebook page and website dev.fwcdp.org page and would like to add your photos to them! We love seeing photos of your pets in other locations. For this we do need them to be at Best Friends Dog Park, please. Photos need to be as high of quality as possible so when you send them 1gb plus files are good. This allows for the best quality when we put them up or need to crop them to fit. Please email photos to Michelle@fwcdp.org
Thank you!
Petsmart Sign
As you may have noticed there is a sign in the dog park for Petsmart. The sign will only be up for a short time. They will be opening in Oshkosh on Feb 20th. In celebration of the grand opening the Winnebago County Parks Dept is going to be fixing up the kiosk inside the dog park and putting a public kiosk outside the dog park.
Kennedy Steps Down, Linder Steps In
Michelle Kennedy who has been President of Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc since inception stepped down the end of June, 2014. Michelle was instrumental in getting the organization their 501(c) 3, improvements at Best Friends Dog Park, starting the Doggie Paddles and the Winnebago Pet Expo. Additional during her time with Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc. multiple properties were pursued for the additional dog park in the northern part of Winnebago County.
Michelle leaves to help daughter with her animals while her daughter deploys. Michelle did not leave the dog park behind. She will continue to support the group remotely and will stay supporting the Winnebago Pet Expo.
Mike Linder, Tripper’s Dad, has stepped in as President of Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc. Mike comes to the group as a regular user of the dog park and advocate for the groups mission and vision. Mike has many years experience leading and directing volunteer groups. Business Development and managerial experience are additional skills Mike brings with him to help direct Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc. Please help Mike feel welcome when you see him!
Your support of Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks,Inc is imperative for the parks to stay nice and continue. To volunteer please reach out to Mike at mike@fwcdp.org