We are growing!

volunteers_neededWith the new year fast approaching Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks is looking for volunteers to help with different types of activities on a regular basis:

  • Newsletter (electronic)
  • Marketing / Promotions / Social Media ( can be broken up into small pieces such as events)
  • General Admin for example: Keep our calendar up, others calendar postings, links searching, database management (online)
  • Web Designer / Developer ( web maintenance and future work)
  • Graphic Designer
  • Photographer (photos of the dogs at the dog park for our daily photos)
  • Grant Writing
  • Fundraising (Only have time to head up one event, we can work with that!)
  • Best Friends Dog Park items:  Heading up Clean up Days, Maintenance Days, working at them, keeping up bulletin board

Winnebagopetexpo FBWe also need help with the Winnebago Pet Expo with:

  • Newsletter (electronic)
  • Marketing / Promotions / Social Media
  • Web Designer / Developer
  • Sales (working with advertisers)
  • Graphic Designer
  • Database Management (online)

We can work with your schedule, anything from 1 hour a week to lots of hours a week.  Let us know what you can commit to and help the dog park grow!  If everyone pitches in a bit we can get it all done.
Just fill out the online information form and you will be contacted.  You can find the form here

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