Today we are launching the new websites for the Friends Group and Winnebago Pet Expo. There is still plenty of work to be done, please continue to be patient with us! We are excited about the features that are coming as well. One item that is being worked on is a place for you to be able to upload your photos of your dog(s) at the park to share with us. Continue to check back for more changes!
Category: Uncategorized
October 19, 2020 Update
2020 has been a year of no group activities for us. We are working on things on the back end such as upgrading our websites and working on events for 2021.
If you would like to be involved in these activities please reach out to us at :
Some have asked “WHAT” are those activities? It can be anywhere from being eyes and ears at the dog park, to helping set up activates, making phone calls, sending emails, to helping with excel work or helping at events, or more. We are creative. Let’s see where your skills and talents can help us all! Reach out to us at
More updates to come!
Infinity Inspired Photography partners with Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks
Infinity Inspired Photography has partnered with Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc! What does this mean? It means they will be our official photographer at event such as this weekends Doggie Paddle at the Beach. Watch for more to come! In the meantime, Check out their website and Facebook pages.
Welcome Terra and Karissa!
Meet FWCDP Board
Miss the last board meeting?
Stop out at Best Friends Dog Park on the following dates from 10am – 2 pm:
June 4th (rain date, June 5th)
July 16th (rain date, July 17th)
August 13th (rain date, August 14th)
Some of the board members will be there to introduce themselves, answer questions and update you on any upcoming events. They will also have logod apparel for donation as well as a donation jar.
Stop by and say HI!
FWCDP – New Board Meeting
It has been a GOOD Friday, the new Board of Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc (FWCDP) met today to plan for 2016. The board officially accepted the resignation of Vivienne Stienke and welcomed Sandra Binder. President Mike Linder is excited to get the dog park group moving forward. Sandy, owner of Somethin Read More
It has been a GOOD Friday, the new Board of Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc (FWCDP) met today to plan for 2016. The board officially accepted the resignation of Vivienne Stienke and welcomed Sandra Binder. President Mike Linder is excited to get the dog park group moving forward. Sandy, owner of Somethin to Howl About, joined the group and brings a pet friendly business perspective. Michelle Kennedy has rejoined the board to bring continuity of old to new to the board. Kennedy is the prior President of FWCDP. Expect to see this website refreshed and more frequent postings.
Watch for a date for the annual FWCDP meeting and dates for the popular dog swims!!
If you would like to become more involved the board is looking for another board member as well as committee chairs and members, please email us: This is a community dog parks and we are all volunteers, your help is needed and appreciated!
Photos – Calling for Best Friends Dog Park Photos
We are on the hunt for photos of your dog(s) at Best Friends Dog Park! We are updating the facebook page and website page and would like to add your photos to them! We love seeing photos of your pets in other locations. For this we do need them to be at Best Friends Dog Park, please. Photos need to be as high of quality as possible so when you send them 1gb plus files are good. This allows for the best quality when we put them up or need to crop them to fit. Please email photos to
Thank you!
UPDATE – Best Friends Dog Park Construction
You will start seeing things happening at the dog park in the next week or two. The county is going to be putting up the fencing (snow fencing) to block off the back “field” area. The fence will run from just north of the Memorial east to the fence along Butler. The fence will be about 5.5 feet high with poles about every 4 feet. Everyone is working to make the fence as secure as possible during the construction process. ** please do not lean on the fence or let your dog jump on the fence.**
Click here for the notice from the County
Dog Park Closed due to Flooding

Winnebago County Parks & Expo Center
Is Kissing Your Pet Okay or Risky?
By Dr. Marty Becker
There’s a controversy in veterinary medicine that divides the profession, and it’s over something that many pet owners never give a second thought: kissing your pets. As you might imagine, I have some thoughts on this topic. Because, yes, I kiss my pets, and yes, I know I probably shouldn’t.
To Kiss or Not to Kiss
Not long ago, Dr. Christina Winn came out in favor of pet kissing in a Veterinary Economicscover piece. Dr. Winn was looking at ways to develop better communications with pet owners so pets will be more likely to get the care they need. The antikissing contingent blew her a raspberry soon after, with a letter signed by a handful of veterinarians, including my good friend Dr. Tony Johnson, a clinical assistant professor of critical care at the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine. Their point: It is indeed possible to catch something from such close contact with a pet.
See Also: Should Dogs or Cat Sleep on Your Bed?
I’ve taken this issue on, in very public ways, and I have to admit that I can see both sides. I still remember doing a segment on Good Morning America about zoonotic diseases, or those that are transmissible from animals to humans. Looking right into the camera and pointing to my mouth for emphasis, I said, “It’s really not a good idea to let your pets kiss or lick you on the mouth.”
Upward of 4 million people heard my recommendation, and probably 3.9 million pet owners, including me, ignored my good advice. In fact, the evening after that show, I pulled into the garage at our Almost Heaven Ranch and opened the door of the pickup to Quixote, our 16-pound canine cocktail.
“Ah, you want to give daddy some sugars?” I said. And he did.
I Can’t Help Myself
Despite recent studies about the transmission of bacteria between pets and people causing dental disease, I continue to let my pets give me kisses. And I do so knowing where those mouths have been. And while I know that my pets are in the very best of health – with regular brushings anddental cleanings under anesthesia when necessary – I don’t draw the line there. I kiss my patients when I’m practicing too. Within reason, of course: Sick, scared or aggressive pets get a pass.
Kissing pets is popular, sensible or not. While disease transmission does happen now and then, it’s usually more of an annoyance (such as ringworm) than a threat. A few months ago my wife and I tapped into the furnomenon by running a kissing booth at a local dog fair to raise money for our local animal shelter. Teresa and our two 16-pound doorbells, Quixote and Quora, worked the booth for two hours, raising more than $50 in that time. That was a slurp every 2 ½ minutes. Teresa even got a kiss from a Jack Russell terrier who rode by on his own horse. (No, I’m not making that up.)
See Also: Top 10 People-Pleasing Dog Breeds
Kiss Away… With Caution
But back to the risks. Shortly after the study about the transfer of oral bacteria from pets to people came out, I talked with Dr. Richard E. Besser, a pediatrician and the former acting head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the current ABC News chief health and medical editor.
“What do you think about this, Dr. Becker?” he asked me, to which I replied, “When’s the last time you ever heard or read of a veterinarian dying of a zoonotic disease or having no teeth from dental disease?”
“Exactly,” replied Dr. Besser. “I’m still kissing my dogs!”
And so am I.
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
Brit + Co. has put together 12 of their favorite Recipes for Homemade Dog Treats. On this Appreciation Day here they are and don’t forget to share your dogs favorite!