Winnebago County Community Park Roadway/Path Project

1979759_10152380653672994_1722870567_n2014 CONSTRUCTION*

Winnebago County Community Park Roadway/Path Project 

The map below is the concept design for the project being designed by Rettler Corporation. After a few more tweaks, ground breaking will occur some time in April, weather permiting. The 40 year old roadway will be replaced with a two way design and an all access path will connect the primary function areas of the park. 

During construction the park will remain open and updates on access will be available from K104.3 & 92.9 as well as on our web site, Facebook page, and in the monthly Scene newspaper.

When traveling within the park during the construction phase please make sure to be alert to temporary traffic signs and cones. Every effort will be made to allow through traffic to all areas of the park. 

Here at the Parks Department we’re very excited about the new road and path! We realize that there will be some discomfort while the work is progressing but the end result will be well worth it!


What does *2014 CONSTRUCTION* mean for the dog park?

 It means we could get enough dirt to help rid us of water problems in the back half!  It will help with some challenges to the dog park.  We will need to be closing off the prairie end of the park from the memorial area to the Butler Ave fence.

We will have short notice, due to weather, as to when the fencing to be put in place; with more exact details to the type of fencing to come.  YOUR help may be needed in setting up the fence.
Every effort is being made to keep the dog park open and secure for our pets.
During this time some of the large dead or dying trees could be removed.
As an added benefit, we have an opportunity to landscape within reason. Anyone a landscape architect?  Landscaper?  We could use your assistance in putting the back ½ of the dog park together.
Do we know how long the section of the dog park will be closed?  No.
BE AWARE there will be Large Highway Equipment throughout the park and inside the closed section of the dog park during this process.
Th you for your understanding as we work through this change.  ~ Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc

920.267.7801 or

Winnebago County Community Park Winter south entrance closing

partner_logo_parksandexpocenter_625x625This is the time of year when we need to watch for Winnebago County Community Park to close to road traffic.  I have been advised it will happen Monday December 2nd, unless we get a significant amount of snow, more than a couple of inches.
Best Friends Dog Park DOES remain open all year long.
The SOUTH entrance of Winnebago County Community Park, off of Snell Rd will be closed as of December 2nd.  Also at that time when coming into the park from County Rd Y, you will be able to LEGALLY turn to the left instead of going around the park.  The road to the right will have barricades.  Please do NOT go around them.
Best Friends Dog Park is open all winter long.  Winnebago County Community Park does reserve the right to close the park if they deem it necessary.

Poop bag requests

downloadThank you everyone who brought in bags last month.  With fall coming we are looking to stock up on bags for the winter as we are still low.  They do not have to be official “poop bags”.  Used/new plastic grocery / shopping bags work also as long as they do not have holes in them.  If you send out your old bread bags, please shake out the crumbs.  If there is food left in them we have “critters” in the bag boxes.  PLEASE make sure to remove your receipts and “extra” items including food from them before bringing them out.  We have an over flow box (the big brown box between the front gates) to put them in.

Dogs of the Dog Park Calendars are HERE!

FWCDP 2014 Calendar - JulyThe dogs of Best Friends Dog Park are here!  The calendars are $10 each or 2 for $15.  They are loaded with pet friendly holidays and reminders!  We will be at the dog park this weekend:
October 27th:  9:30am – 11:30am
Nov 2nd & 3rd times to come
If you can help staff the table Nov 2 and or 3rd please contact us 920.267.7801 or
Calendars will also be available at the November 9th quarterly meeting that will be at the Neenah Municipal Building at 9am ( the Corner of Shady Land and CB) 
FWCDP 2014 Calendar - MarchFWCDP 2014 Calendar - May

Best Friends Dog Park Users

imagesATTENTION EVERYONE!  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be responsible and courteous pet owners by watching your dog(s) going in, leaving and while inside the dog park.  Some of the below has happened at our park recently, in the past, or at other area dog parks.
There was an instance of someone trying to come into the dog park and another dog was not allowing it by fence guarding.   
It has also been observed that people were walking or playing with their dogs and intact males joined in without their owners around which caused tension and unwanted behaviors.  Some of the owners tried to get their dogs away from the intact males and had a hard time as the other dog owners were not around and the intact males kept advancing.
Dogs are getting into tangles and owners are not around or not paying attention in general.
It is city ordinance that your dog must be leashed going into and out of the dog park.  It is also Best Friends Dog Park Rules that you MUST carry a leash with you.
While we are it PLEASE pick up after your dog.  With the leaves on the ground, it can be hard to find sometimes where your dog has gone. If you can’t find it, please pick up a different pile.   Filled bags need to be placed in the blue dumpster by the front gate.
Thank you for helping make Best Friends Dog Park a great place to bring your dog(s)!!

Best Friends Dog Park

imagesBest Friends Dog Park is in need of “poop bags” please.  They do not have to be official “poop bags”.  Used/new plastic grocery / shopping bags work also as long as they do not have holes in them.  If you send out your old bread bags, please shake out the crumbs.  If there is food left in them we have “critters” in the bag boxes.  PLEASE make sure to remove your receipts and “extra” items including food from them before bringing them out.  We have an over flow box (the big brown box between the front gates) to put them in.
We are also trying to schedule a fall clean up day.  Once a date is determined we will post.
I have had a few various concerns of dogs getting “locked” in-between the front gates. PLEASE watch when you are leaving and coming and if a dog wasn’t in there, please don’t leave them in there.
Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc, last meeting for 2013 is November 9th at 9am at the  Town of Menasha Parks & Recreation Department, Neenah.  We will be planning for 2014 as well as establishing volunteer groups.  If you want to be part of working the beach/doggie paddles, dog park clean up, fund raising, Petco Partnership, Winnebago Pet Expo, or any other area, please attend this meeting.