Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks is growing and changing. We would like to thank Mike Linder for stepping in when Michelle Kennedy needed to go out west. Mike jumped into this role with little hesitation, as keeping things going was something he felt needed to be done. After 2 years, Mike has decided to step down but not away. Mike will still be involved with the group. If you see him please stop and thank him for the past 2 years!
Katie Kinenon joined Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, a few months ago. Katie wants to make a difference in the community and help grow the group. It is time for growth. Katie has officially joined the board as Vice President. Katie is wanting to grow the group beyond the board creating committees to focus on various areas of need. More hands less work for an individual. Michelle Kennedy has been appointed President. Katie is the feet on the ground and will be taking over duties for Michelle over time. When you see Katie please welcome her!
Would YOU like to get involved? Email Katie and let her know! Her email is:
Category: Best Friends Dog Park
2016 Doggie Paddle Dates have been added

FWCDP Welcome New Board Member
Please help us welcome our newest FWCDP Board Member, Gwen Grosskopf!
Gwen is a long time Best Friends Dog Park user and supporter of the Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc. Next time you see Gwen around the park with her Newfies (Newfoundlands dogs), stop and say hello!
If you’d like to become more involved, FWCDP is looking for another Board member as well as Committee Chairs and active members. Please contact Michelle to learn more! Best Friends Dog Park is a community dog park and we are an all-volunteers organization. Your help is needed and appreciated!
Kennedy Steps Down, Linder Steps In
Michelle Kennedy who has been President of Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc since inception stepped down the end of June, 2014. Michelle was instrumental in getting the organization their 501(c) 3, improvements at Best Friends Dog Park, starting the Doggie Paddles and the Winnebago Pet Expo. Additional during her time with Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc. multiple properties were pursued for the additional dog park in the northern part of Winnebago County.
Michelle leaves to help daughter with her animals while her daughter deploys. Michelle did not leave the dog park behind. She will continue to support the group remotely and will stay supporting the Winnebago Pet Expo.
Mike Linder, Tripper’s Dad, has stepped in as President of Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc. Mike comes to the group as a regular user of the dog park and advocate for the groups mission and vision. Mike has many years experience leading and directing volunteer groups. Business Development and managerial experience are additional skills Mike brings with him to help direct Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks, Inc. Please help Mike feel welcome when you see him!
Your support of Friends of Winnebago County Dog Parks,Inc is imperative for the parks to stay nice and continue. To volunteer please reach out to Mike at
Learn dog park etiquette
On a recent Sunday afternoon, I took my Westie, Annie, to the dog park at Glasgow park.
Imagine my surprise when a woman came in a few minutes later with a white ferret. Continue reading “Learn dog park etiquette”
Best Friends Dog Park, Back to Open
We are opening up the back section of the Dog Park, today! We have been notified by the DNR that a wetland delineation study needs to be completed. This may take a few weeks, so in the meantime parts of the snow fence will be taken down so we can enjoy the back section of the dog park. Happy Memorial Day!
Dog Park Closed due to Flooding